Thursday, May 12, 2011

Step One to Simplifying: Get Rid Of Excess

No, this isn't a picture of a hoarder's home.  This is our dining room at the present moment.  We are preparing for a yard sale.  In my quest to simplify, I thought that our town's city-wide yard sale days would be the perfect time to unload some of our stuff.  I put Tasha in charge, telling her she can keep the money as long as she tithes on it.

I had all these tubs filled with clothes for my girls.  It was storage for the next several sizes up.  (Yes, I'm a pack-rat.)  But, lately, I have felt God impress upon me to release this stuff.  I've kept a couple sizes up for her, but am going to sell, donate, or throw away the rest.  God has always provided.  While I may plan for a season or two ahead, I really don't need to hold onto clothes for years and years.  It just creates clutter.  If all my children were close in age, then maybe it would make more sense.  However, my children range from 19 down to 4.  It is just too much!

With the economy being low, it is tempting to cling to things "just in case" we might need them.  But, instead, I've made the decision to trust God to provide.  He's told me to simplify, not to hoard.  He's told me to bless others and to give away, not to be selfish.  So, that is what I am doing.  

Now, I am just praying God lets the weather cooperate so that we can have a successful sale.

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