Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Plans

Usually I try to schedule our summers.  I plan library programs and summer movies and summer reading programs and VBS and Wednesday Night Church.  I end up feeling stressed and rushing.  This summer, I don't want to do that.  I have scaled down my summer plans this year. 

My plans are simple.  Laura will do math and reading a few times a week.  I told her that she was excused from the summer reading program at the library this year as long as she read at home.  This is actually something I considered last year when some of the selections at the library weren't things I wanted my daughter to read.  This is Laura's last year of VBS, and she is excited because she gets to attend with her best friend. 

Megan will continue her Little Hands To Heaven from Heart of Dakota over the summer.  I'm not sure if we will go full speed or take it slower.  She is loving the program, and it takes less than thirty minutes a day.  Unless we have plans or something come up, I am hoping to use the program daily so that we can do it twice using the older options the second time around before beginning Kindergarten.

I kind of want to homeschool year round.  I have played around with this idea in the past.  I have met with some resistance to it at the present time, though.  My step-daughter comes every summer.  She is public schooled.  Her time here in the summer is a big part of our time with her.  I don't want to be doing hours of school with younger children while she is here.  I would be content with a three week break, and then begin Creation to Christ with Laura in July.  At this time in our lives, that isn't going to work.  So, instead, Laura is just going to keep her reading and math skills going.

I am hoping for a relaxing summer.  Summer is usually when I can take the time to do some personal in-depth Bible studies.  Summer is when I spend time in my garden.   Summer is recharge time.  One day I might be able to move us over to year round schooling.  Until then, I am content with spending the time with my children while they are young, and with my beautiful step-daughter before she starts to work or drive or have a thousand other ways to spend her summers.

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