Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Greek Gods Handled Well

When I came to the lesson today for Laura's history, I was a bit worried. Studying Greek culture means studying Greek gods. I don't mind Laura learning about this as long as it isn't glorified. I hoped that the gods would be handled with care. All too often I've seen things like this take on a mystical, sci-fi tone that excites the kids but doesn't show the truth about our God. Heart of Dakota, in my opinion, handled this very well.
In A Child's History of the World we read about the different Greek gods and where they got their names. We even read a couple stories or legends about these gods. Then, Heart of Dakota had us look in Acts 14. We read about Paul and Barnabus by a temple of Zues. We read about how when Paul and Barnabus prayed and a man was healed, the local citizens thought Paul and Barnabus were gods. It was interesting to see how the locals were willing to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabus even after the two insisted they were just men and their power was from the one true god.
This could have been a controversial topic. It was handled very well. Laura learned about the beliefs of the Greeks and how many Romans adopted these beliefs. She learned about the different Gods. She was also learned why Christians believe these beliefs are false. She learned about how other Christians, founding Christians, dealt with the issue of false gods.
We aren't done with our study of the Greeks or the Romans by a long shot. However, if the topics continue to be handled so well, I will be more than content. I can honestly say that Heart of Dakota is wonderful about getting kids into their Bibles to coincide with History and Science studies.

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