He has been doing a series on doctrine. Baptism was his next lesson. Instead of filling up the baptismal tub behind the stage, he decided to make it an interactive lesson. Entitled, "Who Needs a Towel?", he taught about the command to be baptized with a child's swimming pool full of water right in the middle of the sanctuary. Not only did he talk about baptism as a command, but as a public testimony that, in some countries, could put a believer's life in jeopardy. He also talked about how some of us may feel the urge to be re-baptized after a re-committing of our lives to Christ, especially if we were baptized as young children or if we fell away at some point in our walk with the Lord.
Laura being baptized by daddy |
Next went Jasmine. We had waited until she was fifteen for the opportunity for her to be baptized. Finally, she was at a point to make the decision for herself. We were all celebrating with her for the decision she made to show publicly her trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jasmine being baptized by daddy. |
After Jasmine and many others were baptized, I was surprised by my own heart's conviction to be re-baptized. I had considered it many time. I was first baptized as a teenager. However, I walked away from Christ for many, many years. When I recommitted my life to Christ, I thought about being baptized again, but I never felt it was time or that I should when I prayed. I can't explain it, as it wasn't a feeling that I was being disobedient. I think God just had other plans. My husband was re-baptized a few years ago. So when our pastor asked yesterday about those that had spent some time not walking with Christ, and then recommitted their lives later, I knew. It was my birthday. My new birth in Christ happened a few years ago, but it was time to publicly show it with baptism. I pray that I publicly show it with my life every day, but I just knew deep in my heart that this was the day God had planned.
God had planned it, not me. I was wearing a white and black print skirt. I had no change of clothes, no swimsuit under my clothes. But, I knew. So, I went forward... and my husband met me there.
I can honestly say that having my husband baptize me as he had done our children was wonderful! I love my pastor, but there was a special significance having my spiritual leader, my husband, baptize me. All my children were there. My mother and grandmother and one of my sisters and my mother-in-law were present. My friends and church family were there. It was special. It was meant to be. Even my brother-in-law, the youth pastor of the church, was re-baptized.
My husband baptizing me. |
Then another touching moment happened. As people were coming forward, young and old, to be baptized, my littlest daughter came up to me. She is five. She wanted to know if she could be baptized too. My sister and I sat down with her and talked with her about what baptism meant and salvation. She is young, but she loves Jesus. She prayed to accept Jesus into her heart, and then was led to the pool.
I hesitated at first, since she is so young. But after talking it over with my husband, we knew we listen to what Christ had to say on the matter in Luke 18:16: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."
So my husband prayed with little Megan, and then baptized her. It was precious!
Little Megan being baptized. |
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