Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.  Exodus 20:12

I didn't always honor her.  In fact, honor is a concept I am still learning and trying to get right.  Yet, this woman raised me and my sisters, often alone, to be self-reliant and strong women.   My mother didn't always have an easy time in life.  She longs for love and acceptance more than anything.  She has a boundless love for her children... and for many in her life. Even today she helps to take care of her mother.  She is a beautiful  woman that God has so many plans for.  

Some of my favorite times in my life have been with my mom.   We went to college at the same time.  Driving together to school, an hour each way, still makes me smile.  Whether we were battling icy roads, she was flipping the pizza we just ordered accidentally onto the floor at a restaurant after school, or she was buying me KFC coleslaw to curb my cravings while I was pregnant with my first child (again, after school), we always had fun. 

Nowadays it is harder to find time alone together.  I am the busy one with a house full of children. I hope and pray that I can be a blessing to her.  Happy Mother's Day Mom!

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