Friday, December 23, 2016

Give Me The Simple Life

I drifted away from my desire for simple.

It wasn't a conscious decision.  As my year went on, and I was busy, things naturally drifted toward complicated.  I became a grandma and signed up for college within a couple months.  I will now have less time, but I am not sorry.  I waited a long time to go back to college.  And my grandson?  I'm so in love with him it's ridiculous.

I still have three children at home.  We still homeschool two of them. Every single one of my children loves to pack my house with stuff.

Ick... stuff.

It's Christmas time.  I shopped very minimally, and yet I fear the stuff that will invade.  Today I snapped and threw away several decorations.  Yes, they were broken, but no one could tell.  Except me.  It was driving me crazy! I tossed them and am hoping no one noticed.  I would toss more, but then they would notice and it would be an argument.

My family likes to hold onto stuff.  I have my things I like holding onto also, but it's usually pictures and books... my two weaknesses. I'm not sure how to tell my nine year old that she doesn't need a bag of rocks in her bedroom, or my sixteen year old that her makeup is taking over the bathroom.  And that nine year old has my same book obsession, and her bedroom floor and shelves are proof.

I'm ready to minimize and declutter and get rid of stuff once again.  Simplify...  such a sweet word.  It's a word that should bring peace and joy.  And yet so many, and I mean the loved ones that live in my home, have a strong attachment to things.  It's their "stuff!"  And they don't want me to eliminate any of it!

Families are crazy, quirky things.  The last time I decluttered I had two daughters in a missions trip in Alaska!  They couldn't fight me from there.  My youngest was a bit upset at my decluttering.  She still remembers that I donated a book she loved.  I actually donated boxes of books, but I guess one she liked slipped in ithout me realizing.

And so, after Christmas, before I begin my college classes, I have a couple weeks to declutter and purge.  Will it happen the way I wish.  Probably not, but any progress is better than none.

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