Thursday, August 18, 2016

Beauty and The Beast

Our little town is a cool little place sometimes.  Besides the public school plays and the local college that puts on productions, we have two theater groups.  Two!  One is for children from after they complete fourth grade until they begin high school.  My oldest two daughters participated in that group for a few years.  My youngest will get to join next year, and she is super excited!

Then we have the other theater group.  Open to all ages, the local talent never ceases to amaze me and others.  This year's production was Beauty and the Beast.  Megan, my little drama queen, was the salt shaker. 

This is her third play with this theater group.  She has such a good time.  I think she learns a lot.  There is a lot of down time, a lot of learning stage terms and choreography.  Sometimes, there are impatient adults (including mommy, as I wait), and differing personalities.  But Megan simply loves performing.

Here is Megan performing a dance routine.

There are experiences I want my children to have, and one of them is the feeling of working hard and seeing that hard work pay off. For Megan, showtime is a payoff.  She loves the music and all the energy.  She has been blessed to act with her aunt (Mommy's sister) for all three years. The memories in that alone are priceless!

Megan loves acting with her Aunt, who played Belle this year!

All of Megan's sisters came to cheer her on! 

She made this Daddy proud!

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