Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ending Heart Of Dakota... This Year

I knew when I began Heart of Dakota at an odd time that we would only get through a few weeks before I would need to stop.  Technically we have two weeks of school left, but I wanted to find a good stopping place.  I decided we would end right before we jumped into John Audobon.
Jasmine aides in our last science activity of the year, because blindfolding a sister is fun!

Of course we still have two weeks of school left.  So what will we do?  We will continue with cursive, English, math, literature, reading aloud, and dictation.  I have added in some science and history workbooks that I had left over from our previous curriculum.  Mostly, we'll be finishing up and reading... Lots of reading. 

My high schoolers are knocking out subjects quickly.  Today Laura finished her math and Soanish for the year. Jasmine is finishing up her requirements for graduating.  

Summer is on the way.  My older girls will be working.  Meggy will be involved in the summer reading program at the local library. She will be trying out for the local musical theater. I also have some math planned , as I try to get to every year, to keep her skills fresh. I know, this doesn't always work as I would like. 

And, our reading won't stop.  I have a lot of read alouds I want to share with my Meggy.  She also wants to read often independently during summer.

I usually set goals for myself in the summer.  I will try to read through a book series or a certain author.  With Megan, I plan to read aloud The Chronicles of Narnia.  For me, I am thinking of delving into The Lord of the Rings.  I have never read it, despite loving literature.  The Fantasy genre was just never my favorite.  

However, my heart has been turned towards more fantasy this year.  I am choosing to be careful because some fantasy is very anti-Christian.  Christian authors are delving into fantasy, however, and are able to weave fantasy and imagination in ways that show Scripture in powerful ways.  I want to be in on that, to fill my heart and mind with stories that implant Scripture inside me in such a powerful way.  There is little as powerful as story, and Jesus proved this by using parables to explain truth. 

I look forward to Heart of Dakota next year.  Bigger Hearts for His Glory will be waiting for us right where we left it. 

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