Friday, April 8, 2016

The Prayer Box - A Book Review

I checked out The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate from the library.  I had been on the search for a new Christian writer, one that wrote more than just romance-type material. I had read a few contemporary Christian writers that met that criteria, but there were few. 

I found Lisa Wingate on a list of Christian writers.  A couple of her books looked interesting.  I decided The Prayer Box would be a good read over vacation.

I enjoyed the book immensely.  It is the story of Tandi Jo Reece.  A single mother of two, she is staying in a cottage after leaving her manipulative, abusive ex-husband.  Tandi is having trouble finding work and is late on the rent. Heading to the house of the lady that owns the cottage, Miss Iola, Tandi finds her landlord has passed away. 

The church, who inherits the house and land of Miss Iola, places Tandi in charge of cleaning up Miss Iola's home, a delapidated, old, historic mansion.  It is there that Tandi finds a letter from Miss Iola to "Father".  Eventually, Tandi discovers a closet laden with Prayer Boxes, each full of letter to "Father."  Those letters open Tandi's world and heart to a whole different way of living. 

It is easy to dream of finding letters, like a journal, of someone else.  Tandi is literally mentored by Miss Iola and the letters, just when she needs the encouragement and inner strength. What Miss Iola went through showed Tandi that her struggles didn't have to be the end of her. 

I know, for me personally, I write letter to my Lord in my journal.  I have since I became a Christian.  It just seemed like a deep way to strengthen my relationship with Jesus.  I can put out my fears, frustrations, talk about what I am learning and living. And He is there, every time. Reading The Prayer Box was encouraging that my crazy journal isn't wrong. 

The Prayer Box opened my eyes to something else, also.  Tandi has been a people pleaser for her whole life, judging herself based on others opinions of her and whether they are pleased with her.  I've been there.  I've think I've made progress at times, and then am shocked when a loved one tears me apart because I have disappointed them somehow. It has taken me years to understand that I can't please everyone, and that, if people don't want to change, I can only pray for them.

I saw, through Tandi, how I let myself be taken advantage of at times, in my attempt to please people.  I see how  I have a few people in my life that only have use for me when I am doing for them, but rarely after that. It is a tough reality to face, that I am respected but used by ones I care for deeply. 

Sometimes admitting there is a problem is a key step in realizing that God has better in store.  It turns out that Miss Iola's life impacted the whole town by the end of the book. 

I plan to read more of Lisa Wingate's novels when I return home from vacation.  I already have another one waiting. 

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