Monday, April 11, 2016

Back to the Routine

Our vacation and Spring Break is over.  Today, we are back to the routine.  Megan is starting her day with her workbook work before piano practice later.  The older girls dived back into their studies, doing awesome in Bible time.
Back to Work

It seems the week-long break helped refresh everyone.  Megan had a hiccup on her math when she forgot how to divide, but it came back to her after a couple minutes of reminding.

Last night, Megan and I finished The Borrowers Avenged by Mary Norton.  This means we have officially finished all five of the Borrowers series.  It was a bittersweet moment as we said goodbye to Pod, Homily, Spiller, and Arrtietty.  As much as Megan loved the series, I believe she may revisit them when she is older. 

We will begin Rabbit Hill for our bedtime reading next.  While we were on vacation, all the Chronicles of Narnia arrived at our home.  Those will be on our list.  I have so many books on our read aloud list that I fear we may never get to them all!  I have The Green Ember and The Black Star of Kingston by S.D. Smith in my Amazon cart.  I keep hesitating to push buy, thinking there is something else I wish to add. 

In my reading, I'm thinking of switching the biographies I've assigned for Laura next year.  I loved Soul Surfer so much, the positive spirit of Bethany Hamilton, that I want to add that to her biography list.  

Last night Laura came into the bathroom while I was taking a bath and talked with me for a long time.  It was so special to me, having my quiet, shy girl that has gone through so much the last couple of years open her heart to me about her faith. Maybe our time in Georgia did her good. I thanked God immensely that my sweet girl has kept her faith. 

We in the final stretch of our school year. I am looking forward to a summer break, though I haven't decided how long that will be.  Many summer activities haven't been scheduled yet, such as VBS or library programs.  Until I have those dates, I am in a waiting time before I plan out next year's schooling. 

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