Friday, January 13, 2012

Music in Our Hearts

Megan listens to Aunt Kendal and Daddy practice worship music

We haven't ever payed for our children to have formal music lessons.  I would love to, but we've never been in a place financially where we could afford to do that.  However, we have a very musical family.  My husband is one of those play by ear musicians.  He is an excellent bass player.  He also plays guitar quite well. 

Then there is my baby sis.   She has an amazing voice.  She has also dedicated herself to learning keyboard. 

My oldest two daughters are also very musical.  Choir geeks at heart, they love to sing together.  Kim is also learning the keyboard. 
Jasmine is also a choir geek.  She competed in her first choir competition last winter, winning gold.  She has a beautiful voice.  She has often jumped up on the stage (or been pulled up there) to sing with the worship team.  She is also wanting to learn guitar.
Laura loves to sing, but she is kind of shy.  She got up on stage this year for a play, but she hasn't gotten up the courage to sing in front of a crowd yet.  However, God is growing her.  Both Laura and Megan are surrounded by lots of music.  Music is a large part of our lives.

Sometimes the best lessons happen naturally.  Now, if my children want to learn an instrument, they may need formal lessons.  Even with singing there is learning to read music and technique.  However, there is also a natural passion that is God given.

I pray that my girls continue to love music.   I pray that they continue to bless our lives with their joyful sounds... from the singing of my preschooler to the wonderful bass playing upstairs on my husband's days off of work.

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