Friday, October 9, 2009

Teaching the Toddler

I haven't really had a structured program for my two year old, Megan. She's a bright little thing. A part of me wants to take advantage of that and start "schooling" her. However, I know that would be a HUGE mistake. First, she should be allowed to be two. She's very curious about the world around her. That curiosity has caused her to memorize most of the letters of the alphabet... just because they are on the wall of the nursery at church. She knows shapes and colors because she wants to know them when she sees them, or because she's seen them in books we read or in preschool shows she has watched. Her curiosity is one of the traits about her that I don't want to stifle with "school" stuff. However, I do want to encourage the growth of her forming brain. I've spent quite a bit of time reading and praying about how best this should be accomplished. My ideas don't really conform to the current educational models of putting young children in daycare and preschools all day everyday. She might go a couple days a week for a couple hours, but that will be in a Christian preschool near my home. I think that could be fun for her, not overwhelming her with school.
My plans for right now are very simple. I plan to read to her as much as possible; Not just me, but her father and siblings too. She loves being read to, and I love the closeness that comes from reading. I plan to surround her with books and educational shows and music and playthings that encourage her to use her imagination. We have a kitchen set that has been outside for awhile. I think I'm going to clean it up, buy some new play dishes for it, and bring it in. I have been going through her toys. I want to keep or invest in things that will encourage imagination and learning. Christmas is coming, and the things on her list probably aren't going to be what is on most lists. I don't want clutter and junk toys cluttering up our lives anymore.
Winter is coming, and I know that makes getting outside kind of difficult. Yet, if I can get her outside every few days for even just a little bit to explore the outside, I know it would be great for her growth. Summer time is great for her. She plays in the dirt and explores to her heart's content. Isn't that what helps build those little brain cells? I spent hours as a child on my grandma's farm playing outside in nature. I wasn't confined to a building in a day care center all day. In the winter, we built snow forts. Then we would come in for hot chocolate. Memories like this are worth so much.
I plan to keep updated plans on this site. When Megan turns three I would like to invest in Sonlight for her. I truly, the more research I do, am in love with that program. Laura will finish Heart of Dakota this year, and then I hope to switch her to Sonlight too.
At two, I am keeping things simple and fun. If she wants to color, great! If she wants to tell me her letter, Wonderful! If she wants to be read to, that is awesome. If she wants to play, she can play away. Except for reading to Megan, my two year old, I haven't really focused on a certain program for her. I think, until she is three, I'm not going to do much differently with her than I am. For one, I think she learns most through play. She's a smart two, and I haven't had to push her. I don't want her to be pushed and then not like learning. I want to surround her with things to spark her curiosity and help her learn naturally.

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