Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jasmine turns 13

We technically have a week until Jasmine turns 13, but we had her party this weekend. There is nothing quite like being surrounded by family and friends.

We had a simple party. We had a cook-out, despite the chilly temperatures. We also had some family favorites like my home-made punch. It's a favorite around here during celebrations. Lots of Hawaiian Punch, Ginger Ale, and Sherbet. Megan is starting to understand birthdays now. She knows it involves presents and cake. She can sing Happy Birthday with everyone. It's fun to see her smile and laugh with Jasmine. The two are very close.
Kim, Jasmine's sister, and Elijah, their newborn cousin, had a good time at the party. It was one of Elijah's first times attending one of our birthday parties. We try to celebrate each and every birthday.

Awhile back we watched this movie, Kitt Kittredge - An American Girl. Jasmine loved it immensely. She got it as one of her gifts for her birthday.

Jasmine had our newly famous home-made ice cream cake. Made with ice cream sandwiches and lots of caramel and sprinkles, we love it more than normal ice cream cake. We aren't huge cake eaters in our home. Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen is expensive. This alternative was tried as an experiment over the summer. My sister quickly called it Hobo ice cream cake. I laugh cause she loves it as much as the kids.
Jasmine blew out all thirteen candles in one breath.

Daddy and Jasmine. This father/daughter team is unique. Before I met him, this man was a single father to this little girl. Of course, way back then, she was a curly-haired, adorable, little two year old cherub. My husband was a long-haired man working the mid-night shift to take care of his daughter on his own. A very special bond formed back then that has never faded or been broken. Now his little girl is turning into a teenager before his eyes. Instead of Lion King, she would rather straighten her hair and watch Jonas Brothers. Yet, she knows her daddy loves her more than ever.

Megan's favorite part of the party was the ice cream.

The birthday girl smiles as she grabs a Pepsi. We love our birthday parties. We don't often get to do extravagant things for our kids. We don't take fancy vacations or buy all the latest and greatest. We live modestly. However, we want our children to know they are loved. We want them to feel special. We try to make a big deal out of birthdays. Sometimes we don't succeed the way we want, like when the oldest didn't want a party. We still try to do something special.
Our time with our children while they are young is limited. Birthdays are special because we choose to make them so. I know many families that don't make big deals out of birthdays. My husband thought making a big deal out of a birthday was strange at first. However, he loves our tradition now. Each child knows they are special. It is their day. It might not be a huge party every year. Sometimes it's just cake and a small gift. Sometimes it is a theme party complete with decorations and maybe even a pinata. Sometimes we have the money to go all out. Other times we have to be more creative. The memories we have created are worth more than gold.

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