Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Spelling Woes is one of my favorite sites. I discovered it when another website mentioned it last year. I've used it quite a bit since then. It's perfect for my step-daughter to practice her spelling words from school. For Laura, I have used it here and there for extra help with those words that she isn't getting or on weeks where we just want something different than the normal workbook stuff.

With learning about copywork and dictation, I haven't used spellingcity as much. However, I've really struggled with Laura over copywork and dictation. She doesn't enjoy it much. She likes the challenge of mastering a list. She was public schooled until last year, so this is what she knows and what she is used to.

I've been trying to come up with creative ways to combine the two. You see, I grew up with lists too. However, I also use copywork when I want to learn something. So, after much prayer, I came up with a plan. I am a mastering kind of teacher. I would rather Laura learn something and learn it well than learn it a little and hope she catches it later on. I know that Laura may ace a spelling test, but a week later totally spell the word wrong in writing. I need a way to put the words into practice on more than just spelling pages, but still leave room for the fun word games and spelling rules to come into play. Laura likes the challenge of trying to master new words, and she spells very well for her age. However, I don't want her to be able to just get things right on a test if she can't use it everyday.

This changes a few things we are doing. It means some more work for me, but not really. I think once we get into a pattern it won't be difficult. Laura will still write out words she needs to know or misses on tests, but I'll get her words from things she is reading or words she misses as she writes. I'm going to start off her list with words she has in her spelling book. However, that is about all the use for the book I'm going to have.

She'll have five to ten words. She'll spend a couple days playing games with these words, practicing them in writing, copywork, sentences, etc. She'll learn these words, not just spelling but meanings. A couple days after playing with the words she'll be tested. If she misses the word, she'll keep doing it until she learns it. If she gets it right, she'll get a break from the word. However, in a couple weeks we'll give her the word once again. If she gets it right a second time, we'll repeat it a month later. If she gets it right the third time I am considering that she has mastered the word.

Doing this requires one list of words that I cycle through at least three times before it is mastered. I know it may seem like this would take forever, but with going through the words every two or three days, we actually cycle through quite quickly. I always think it is a waste if a word is not challenging for my daughter to waste time on it. If she gets it one week, but misses it a couple weeks later I'll know she learned it for the test and not for the long-term.

I plan to do quite a few writing exercises with this, from copywork to sentences. I know it may seem like a lot of work, but once the words begin to come from Laura's reading the copywork will also come from Laura's reading. I am starting with spelling list words because that is what she is used to.

I've spent a lot of time praying and thinking about this. You see, I want Laura to really learn how to learn. I don't think she is learning much if she is just studying a list for a test. However, the copywork and dictation isn't working for her yet. She likes what she is comfortable with. I'm just looking for a way to combine the two in a way that makes sense for us and still builds her skills in not only spelling but vocabulary, writing, and reading.

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