Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Phenomenon or New Normal

Homeschooling is still very mysterious for most of the country. While the numbers of people turning to homeschooling and leaving public schools is growing, there is still a large percentage of the population that doesn't understand it. So many Americans still think parents that homeschool their children are sheltering their kids from the real world. Despite all the data to the contrary, school officials and pretty much everyone that doesn't homeschool still believe that children receive a better education in a school.
I've dealt with this quite often. There was some concern from those close to me on if I could successfully teach an elementary school child last year. I got beyond it when others saw my child was learning. However, when I brought my high schooler home last week, even my closest friends and family members have questioned whether this is going to be as high a quality of education as what she was receiving in the local high school. I questioned it myself, and still do sometimes.
For the last several days I have watched my daughter do very well with homeschooling. I've seen a discipline in her that makes me proud. No one has to tell her to start her school. She jumps in and works hard, never putting things off or having a negative attitude. She's even getting excited when she learns something new. That's awesome to me. I didn't see her feel this way about public school.
I don't believe homeschooling is a phenomenon. The numbers are increasing because so many people for many different reasons are dissatisfied with the public schools.
Some of those reasons are religious. Christian parents are growing tired of their children walking away from central truths and values.
Some parents are pulling their children out of public schools because they are tired of the poor quality of education. In my area, not one of the local schools in a three county area can pass the state's standardized testing.
Some parents are homeschooling because some schools are dangerous places. Even small town schools have students being arrested for drugs and police dogs sniffing lockers.
I think while all these reasons are important, there is also a deep seated anger growing in parents that is causing them to take back their rights. Parents are tired of the power the schools have in the lives of their children. Schools talk about wanting parents to be involved in schooling of their children. It sounds all nice and sweet for it to be a partnership. That works until there is a difference of opinion between the school and the parents. Then, parents are often pushed aside as the school feels it has the authority to do as it wishes. That is why parents of children with ADD or ADHD are often told they need to put those children on medication. That is why so many parents of children that have been bullied feel helpless to stop the situation when the school either refuses to get involved or treats incidences as bothersome annoyances.
Why are so many parents turning to homeschooling their children? Parents are slowly taking back their rights. They are tired of the state and the schools telling them what to do with their children. They are tired of their rights as parents being limited.
This is for religious reasons in many cases, and that can't be cast aside no matter how much some try. In fact, the more it seems that faith and religion get pushed aside, the more those with deep faith are willing to make sacrifices to ensure it doesn't happen. Christian homeschooling parents are willing to live on one income, work at home, or evenings just for the right to educate their children at home and teach them life from a Christian worldview.
Religious convictions aside, many parents are pulling their children from public schools because they are tired of feeling like the school has all authority. Want to take a family vacation in the school year when the rates are cheaper? You'd better get permission from the school first or it will be considered unexcused. Do you have a child that gets sick often or has to go to the doctor often for treatment? Make sure to get those doctor's notes. Of course, that might not even be enough. One school was refusing to accept the doctor's notes from one student and instead wanted the doctor to fill out a form each time. Another school pressed truancy charges against a parent despite doctor's notes when her daughter had underwent bladder surgery.
School officials would argue that there has been abuses. I'm sure they are right, but I think those abusing the rules are few. Most parents get tired of feeling like they have to report to the school about everything and get permission from the school for doctor's appointments and vacations. They want their families back. They want their rights back.
Homeschooling is not some phenomenon that will fade into oblivion. I truly believe it will become the new normal in time. As parents realize that the schools are failing their children, intruding on their constitutional, and I believe God given, rights as parents, I think the number of homeschoolers will continue to climb drastically. Schools used to be the place where information and education was housed. Now, with the internet and technological advances, the schools no longer hold the monopoly on education no matter how much money is thrown at them by the government.
I also believe that, with the struggles in our economy, many families are waking up the the fact that the quest for more and more stuff has not brought happiness or genuine security. Now, priorities are shifting into what really matters. For many, that is family. How can anyone desiring a closer family not see one of the main by-products of homeschooling is closer family relationships.

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