Monday, August 31, 2009

American Veterans Traveling Tribute

On Saturday we went to a nearby town to visit the THE WALL, the American Veterans Traveling Tribute. Of particular interest to me was The Wall with all the names of those who gave their lives in Vietnam. My uncle was one of them, even though he passed away before I was born. I wanted my children to see this memorial and all the others they have with The Wall. We considered it a field trip day for my homeschool children.
Some of the tributes were for those that were killed in Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom. Here Kim and Laura look at dog tags with the names of those killed.

In lots of spots were little things like this, military gear used at certain times, like Vietnam and Desert Storm. Here Dad and Laura look at a tribute.

Seeing my uncle's name on The Wall was surreal and moving. Here my step-daughter etches it out on paper. My uncle's name was at the top of the wall, so we had to put her on a friend's shoulders to get the name.

Kim, Laura and Tasha looked at all the names in amazement. It's hard to believe so many lives were taken.

Here Laura poses beside the memorial. I don't know if she truly understood what it all meant. We haven't studied Vietnam, and probably won't for a couple years. That's alright, cause she was impressed enough by it all that I don't think she'll forget.

Old vehicles and and a helicopter from the wars were present. Here the girls sit in the helicopter.

Tasha's father is in the Army. She looked at all the memorials and was proud of her father for serving his country. She was also a little apprehensive knowing he may soon be deployed to a hostile area.

Here are my homeschoolers on their first field trip this year. It was an amazing time.

Here Jasmine and Laura check out a military jeep.

Here's a distant picture of the wall. It is overwhelming.
This field trip will be hard to least for me. Museums and zoos will be wonderful, but nothing will match the personal touch this held for me. Seeing my uncle's name, which was my maiden name, held special significance for me. My dad was just a young teen when my uncle was killed. I think of the impact this would have had on a 14 year old boy. I loved my grandmother so much. She once told my mother that she didn't think she would visit the memorial. She thought it would just be too hard. For her and my grandfather, who passed away a few years ago, I'm glad I got to see it.. Their son is still being honored for his sacrifice even over forty years after his death.

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