Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Needing to Organize My Chaos

I've decided that there is a definite need for scheduling in our days. I haven't used a schedule for fear of being too schoolish. However, the result is my house is a mess most of the time. I feel overworked trying to do everything, and the stress is just too much. Things need to get done. The girls are working on school, but they tend to drift into oblivion when they finish. They aren't starting when I want them to. We just need some more organization. I'm going to work on a schedule not only for me, but for the children. I think even the 2 year old would benefit.
This is a large family. We are busy, busy, busy. For the last bit I feel like I'm forgetting things and not getting things done when I need to. This is unacceptable.
Tasha and Laura get a list every day with their assignments listed. As they work through them they check off their work. They like this method. It works for them. As they check things off their list they feel a sense of satisfaction for having completed what is on their list. However, I don't think it would make too much different if we go from a list of just things for subjects to a schedule of the day. With lots of reading time thrown in, I think this could work.
All I know is that I have 5 children and my home is showing the chaos. I'm not wanting to be tired and frustrated all the time. I want time with God, and often that doesn't happen the way it should. I want time to workout. If I don't do those things on purpose, they won't get done. The kids will eat at my time and energy until I have no time to recharge and refresh. In these times of difficulty, I need the time to focus on God and not on my problems.
I'm sure I'll have to revise a schedule multiple times. However, this is something I have to do for my own sanity and for our family. It's tough to even have family time right now.
My husband and I were talking last night before we fell asleep. We both agreed that things have gotten too complicated. Isn't that a trick of Satan? If we are too busy, we aren't fruitful. We don't have time for our children and our spouses and the blessings God gave us.

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