Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Little Toddler Time

Megan got to participate in school today. She worked on blue and fine motor skills. She's only two, but she's smart. She already loves to learn. My focus for her at this age is potty training, and just playing to learn. If she wants to color, I let her. She likes to color. I read to her a lot, and she seems to like books. As she nears three I'll probably start a little more focused work. She already knows most of her letters, and we go through them every couple of days. She knows her colors, but letting her color with them is different than just looking at them. By three she will be ready for preschool. I could push her to learn some concepts early since she picks up concepts so easily at times. However, I don't want to do that. I want her to be a toddler. The older two were back at work. Tasha is making fast progress on her English. Laura began her new English, and is beginning her new reading. I have to say, I really like the Christian Light material. It's so simple for planning purposes. Laura does one lesson per day. The lessons are clearly marked. So far we are using Christian Light for Language Arts, Reading, and Bible. I'm thinking of adding their Science soon, but I'm not for sure.
We are working steadily and slowly getting this year into a routine or rhythm.

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