Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Nicer Balance

We've been mixing Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts with the workbooks. It's working nicely. Laura sometimes complains, but she is liking the A Child's History of the World. (She thinks it's funny.) It's working so nicely that I've decided to add in the science books and pick and choose the activities. The reading part of Preparing Hearts for His Glory in science comes in bit-sized bits... a couple pages a day. It's really not that overwhelming at this point. Since it coincides with the History in HOD, I want to use it a least a little. My main concern is not to overwhelm my daughter, but to create a nice mix.
I've mixed up some of the workbooks selections. I've been buying things a little at a time. Doing this has helped me see what I like and what I think will work for Laura. I haven't invested in any one curriculum totally at this point. In fact, we have this crazy mix going on right now. We are using some Heart of Dakota, some ACE paces, and some Christian Light lightunits. It may sound chaotic, but it's working for us. I feel like my daughter is learning and is working at her own pace in most areas.
Our routine is being established. First Laura works on Math. She does most of this on her own. If she needs help, she asks. However, so far we've done a lot of review of concepts covered last year. She's using the ACE paces for math, and she loves them. She likes the explanations. It is very repetitive, but that's perfect for her since she's had issues retaining stuff unless she does it A LOT. I thought she'd be a spiral learning girl, but so far the mastery program is working better for her.
Second Laura works on Language Arts and Handwriting. She's using her A Reason For Handwriting book. At the moment she is using ACE for Reading, Grammar, and Word Building. However, we are going to slowly merge over to Christian Light lightunits. I like how they merge the spelling with the grammar exercises. In fact, the workbooks reminded me so much of how I was taught as a child that I fell in love with the simplicity of them. The Reading book, Bridges Beyond, is wonderful. Plus, they are more affordable than the ACE when you consider that the grammar is in one instead of split like the Word Building and English. The Reading program is a lot less expensive too when you consider the cost of all the books you have to buy seperately in the ACE program. The merge won't be complete for about 2 weeks.
Laura is using Christian Light for Bible. I searched high and low for a bible program that I like. I actually started Laura out with the third grade level. This program starts with Jewish culture in the third grade and continues it in the fourth grade. I wanted to start her at the beginning of the study, not half way through.
After Bible, Laura works on her ACE social studies and science. We've developed a routine of three or four pages in each per day. Laura is doing well in these. I'm not 100% sold on them, but I like what Laura is learning right now. In Social Studies she is learning geography. Ironically it is coinciding a bit with Heart of Dakota. In Science, Laura is learning about matter.
Last we do Heart of Dakota reading, read a-louds, and some of the activities. We also do independent reading. I'm wanting to use the Heart of Dakota independent history readers for this, but some weeks there isn't much so I use something else.
So far we are still done with school a little after lunch if we start around 8:30. Some days are longer depending on what HOD activities we are doing.
I think I've found a balance for this year. Next year, I am not ready to even plan. I'm just grateful we've figured out some things for this year. Next years plans require more praying, more research, and a whole other post.

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