Monday, September 14, 2009

The 4/14 Window and Homeschooling

As a Sunday School and Children's Church teacher, I have read about the 4/14 window. Basically the Barna group did a study awhile back that proved that most people accept Christ between the ages of 4 and 14. After age 14, the odds of a person accepting Christ and following him drops dramatically. It is in those ages of 4 through 14 when a child is most open to the gospel. Some churches are learning this and focusing on their children's ministry with new passion as it is a mission field that needs to be explored.
I wondered how this translated to homeschooling. It hit me that 4 through 14 is preschool through middle school roughly. By homeschooling my children and giving them a Christian education, they are being exposed to the gospel in many different areas of their lives at a time when they are the most impressionable. By reading great moral literature, even awesome Christian literature, my child's earliest stories that might influence her and stay with her are God-honoring. Learning science from a Christian perspective gives my daughter the view that God created life and sustains it with His mighty hand. Evolution debates can come when she is a bit older. History taught from a Christian point of view doesn't take Christianity out of history the way many secular curriculum have.
The 4/14 window is a special time for a child. Those ten years make a huge impact in what a child believes about life and how they relate to God. While not all parents homeschool for religious reasons, the ones that do should take advantage of this time period. For me that means making sure that my child is exposed to a lot of Christ-honoring material. It means making sure our homeschool is one that honors God and teaches foundational truths.

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