Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting a Little Tougher Skin

It's in the quiet, the words that aren't said. I know things are said out of my range of hearing, but to my face not much is said. This is my friends and family, not strangers, that act this way. Members of my church family, and people that have known me for years... all seem to have that strange quiet around me now. They aren't like this all the time, but when the issue of school comes up, they all seem to get this way. The conversation doesn't even have to be about homeschooling. Even public schooling seems to get some people to act strange, like if they complain about their schools they think I'll try to convert them to my way of thinking. I don't think even becoming a Christian made people this nervous.
My choice to homeschool my children brings out the worst in others at times. The same people that one day could be complaining about all the problems their children are having in school are the same ones that get quiet at the mention of my choice to homeschool.
It gets to me sometimes. I've even had former homeschool parents act this way. One lady told me that she wasn't sure she should have homeschooled. She wasn't sure her children got a quality education, and they missed out on school activities. I was flabbergasted. Her children, every one, follows Christ. Two are in ministry. Her children are all well spoken and love God. I don't understand why she is not seeing what I see.
I'm learning to shrug things off. I still believe God led me to homeschooling. I love so many parts of it in my life. I love how close my children are getting. I love that my daughters are getting an education that is Christ-based. I love that I get to spend time with my children that most parents don't even realize they are missing. I know that this decision was right, even if those around me don't understand.
There's a certain pressure that my daughters have to be different from other children because they are homeschooled. The studies have been done, and the test results are in. Homeschoolers do better. Does that mean if my daughter acts like a typical 9 year old that homeschooling isn't working? Of course not, but the pressure is there at times.
I am learning to get a tougher skin, to not let things bother me. I'm learning to go about my business and not worry so much about the approval of others. There are times, however, when I wish there was more support among my friends and family. The hard times are the toughest. There is general attitude that, because the economy isn't the best, I should stick my kids back in school, put the toddler in day care, and find a job. I've tried to explain that, after expenses, I won't make much. One lady said that if I made $20 a week, it was worth it. She obviously isn't counting the costs by my standards.
I've grown quiet about homeschooling. Maybe I just need a good support group, but I don't want to drive 30 minutes to attend the closest one. The blogs I read have boosted me enormously because I realize I'm not alone in this crazy journey. There are others that believe that not sending their children to public school is a good thing.
Now, I have two daughters in public school. One is in her senior year and I am very proud of her. The other is in 6th grade, and I worry about her. She struggles in school, has been diagnosed with learning disorders, and has to fight not to be put in an LD class till she graduates. I hate that the school has labeled her. However, legally, she is only my step-daughter. I don't decide her education.
I know that God has me on this path for a reason. I am trusting in Him, despite the challenges that have been placed in my way.

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