Friday, May 8, 2009

Demographics and our World

This video should wake up America to the reality of what we are up against in our Christian faith. Our world in the future will not be the same. We already see our rights as Christians being slowly stripped away methodically. It appears everyone has an agenda... The ACLU, The homosexual community, the Muslims. I don't believe anymore that the spiritual war that is going on is anything less than life or death. Wake up, fellow believers. We complain about our children learning spainish, but according to this video the Latino immigrants are the only thing that is keeping our country from being in the margins where we cannot sustain ourselves. Do you want to be under Islamic rule? In America, we get so comfortable in our lives and in our little churches. Many of us live in small communities. We don't have many Mosques in our neighborhoods...YET. We don't have more children per family in America because it might get too expensive and then we couldn't have all our material possessions. Having more children per family might mean that a family might have to make different decisions about a parent staying home to raise their children. In fact, having a larger family myself, I have heard lots of comments and criticisms for the fact that we don't have a lot materially. The days of sacrificing for your family seem to be disappearing. Parents have small families so we can give our kids the best of everything. How is that working for them? They receive the best of everything and do not know what it is to work, to serve others, or to serve God. Why? To serve God means to serve something bigger than yourself. Our culture celebrates self. There is nothing bigger than self when that is what you are serving.Christians in America and around the world need to band together and pray. If we want to reach the world we need to figure out how to influence culture before it influences us. If we don't have unity and band together, if we continue to have silly arguments and infighting amongst ourselves and our denominations, then one day our top worry won't be whether we have a cross in a public park. It will be whether we are allowed to worship God without the fear of imprisonment or death.

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