The biggest chore around our house is dishes. Other than laundry, dishes are the never ending chore. As the mom, I also feel like I am constantly washing dishes. In the winter, my hands get so dry that I have to take special extra measures to keep them from cracking.
Getting my children to do the dishes has been a chore in itself. They really don't like dishes. I want a dishwasher. My husband always jokes that we have built in dishwashers. I laugh and reply that they are unreliable at best, and they make a lot of noise when it is time to actually work.
My husband saw this and made a deal with the girls. Each night they have to spend time reading two chapters of the bible with him and then discussing what they read. When they do this he does their dishes.
What a blessing for me! My girls get one on one bible with Dad. I get my dishes done. My husband gets the one on one with the older girls and the knowledge that they are learning The Word.
Yeah, I know, Dishes are a fact of life. However, I don't mind this deal. I don't feel like it is a bribe. In the long run, I truly believe that the Bible Studies nightly will lead to much more than the girls anticipate. They just think they are getting out of dishes. However, they spend a lot of time on their two chapters. My older girls may go to public school, but they are learning at home too.
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