Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's List 2009

Sprittibee posted a New Year's list for 2009 that I liked so much better than silly resolutions. No one keeps resolutions. But making a list is more like planning or setting a goal. So, I sat the other day and pondered what I wanted on my list for this upcoming year. These are NOT in order of importance, though number 1 is my number 1.

1. Spend more consistent time with the Lord in study and prayer.
2. Organize my home better and more efficiently.
3. Go out with my husband on a date at least once a month.
4. Work on serving my husband and building him up. (Isn't every guy's love language words of affirmation?)
5. Spend special time with each child. The older two graduate in just a couple years. Time goes fast.
6. Have special family time that doesn't involve the television.
7. Work out 4-5 times per week. Continue to eat healthy even after surgery.
8. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! Tired of clutter in my possesions, my thoughts, my life.
9. Stick to budget.
10. Pray about concerns and people more consistently.
11. Start Berean classes in February with my husband.
12. Start Konos with Laura. Do lots of field trips that relate.
13. Begin planning activities for Summer.
14. Get family pictures done in the next month.
15. Finish the Anne of Green Gable series.
16. Begin to read C.S. Lewis books.
17. Implement a new chore system for the kids.
18. Have Laura tested at the end of the school year.
19. Read to Megan more often.
20. Work on fixing up the house as money allows.

I only wrote out twenty. I could probably come up with plenty more, but then I won't remember half of what I listed and I'll never get them done.

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