Monday, December 29, 2008

Decisions that Impact

My Pastor had a quote in his sermon Sunday evening that was just awesome. His sermon was on the upcoming New Year. I don't know who my Pastor quoted, but the saying just touched me, especially since I embarked on a new journey this year with homeschooling.

"In ten years you will be the product of what you read and who you associate with. Choose both carefully."

It made me think about a couple things.

What we read: Laura is reading lots of quality living books and bible stories. We are choosing books instead of text books as much as possible. My hope is that the characters and stories will stay with Laura like old friends. Some of my favorite stories are like that to me. I am looking forward to reading Caddie Woodlawn and all the rest of the Little House books with Laura, as they were my favorites when I was a girl. Plus, we do a lot of reading together, making memories to last a lifetime.

Who we associate: Let's be honest. Some kids are just not the best influences on our children. I've personally experienced what it is like when your child has a 'friend' that leads them the wrong way. This is not just about Christian influences, but about lifestyle choices that many children choose as early as late elementary school. Kids using bad language or bullying starts early, and it can easily progress. These influences will always be around. I just don't want them to define my children. I've been lucky with my older two daughters, but they haven't always made the wisest choices of friends. Sometimes my girls have learned through experience who is a quality friend, and sometimes I have had to end some friendships. I like that, while Laura does a lot of socializing with other children, I don't have to worry at this point about bullying and social pressure. Having just pulled her from school this year, this had already become an issue in third grade.

I don't know if I'll homeschool for ten years. Even if I did, I don't believe in sheltering a child so much that they don't learn some growing-up lessons through experience. I am sure that Laura will make friends that will hurt her. She has already had friends that aren't the most positive of influences. However, her main influences are not the 30 kids in her class, but the family she is a part of daily.

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