Thursday, November 6, 2008

What to do for next year?

Okay, I know I have only been homeschooling Laura for a few weeks. I am already researching for next year. Laura will be in fourth grade, and I have a lot of things to consider. I don't know when I will make any final decisions. I still want to play with different curricula this year, but financially can only afford to do a little here and there. I know in the spring there will probably be a homeschool fair in Indianapolis. There might even be one in Merrillville, which is closer. I just want to pick some people's brains and look at a bunch of different stuff to see what direction I want to go.
Right now I just use the internet to research, research, research. I know Laura is enjoying A Beka math and the A Beka readers. I bought the Spelling and Poetry for 3rd grade from A Beka, but Laura didn't want to do it. She chose to stick with Modern Curriculum Press Spelling this year. And that is fine, because she is learning a lot.
For Language Arts, I might try a couple different things this year. I am using Harcourt's Flash Kids workbooks this year because I could actually look at the books while at Barnes and Noble. However, I think I want a program that will teach diagramming. A Beka is supposed to be good at that, though maybe a little tough. I'm going to look into other christian homeschool publishers also.
I think I am going to keep doing History the way I am doing it now, with a little tweak here and there. I will probably buy a student History book through a Christian publisher, but use it as a guide. I will supplement heavily with living books that I either check out from the library or buy. I've thought of Tapestry of Grace, but I'm not sure yet. Next year I think I want to do more American History. I started it this year, and I think I want to cover from wherever I leave off this year till modern times.
For reading, I plan to stick with what I am doing now. I love the A Beka readers. I love Laura reading living books. Again, I will research other publishers. I just think that if something is working, I don't want to mess with that. Eventually I may have to rethink things, but for now I like the system we have.
For science, I have no clue. I am using a few A.C.E. paces right now as a spine for the days of creation, and supplementing with living books. It's not really what I want, however. We just started, so I'll give it some time to see how Laura does. If she hates it or is bored by it, we'll do something else.
For Bible, I already know I'm going to have to find a curriculum for next year. I want something that will nurture not just the knowledge of the Bible, but the heart for Jesus. I don't mind daily reading of the Bible because I think it is a great habit to help draw closer to God. However, I like stories too. Bible stories, character building stories, things that can make Laura think about life around her, her choices, and still tug on her heartstrings for her Saviour. I know a lot of people that know about God. Sometimes they know a lot. But without a relationship with Jesus that is real, deep, and intimate; then knowledge is just not enough.
I am also thinking of other options, like foreign language and more creative writing.
In the meantime I have this younger one that will be two in April. I want to do stuff with her to nurture her growing brain and spirit. I want to make sure that I read to her a lot. I want to give her toys to stimulate that little brain of hers. I don't think she is old enough for a formal preschool program. But I do think that some really good books and toys would be awesome. Eventually, at three or four, I may send her to preschool for a couple days a week for a couple hours. I think she would enjoy the other children and the different environment. But, that's in the future, not now. I have time before that decision must be made.
I may post these types of posts often. It helps me somehow to do my thinking by typing it out.

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