Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weekly Wrap-Up 11-6-08

We are done this week. Tomorrow we have my Father-in-law's funeral. It's been a rough week with his passing. Our family is grieving the loss of this wonderful man that died unexpectedly last Sunday afternoon.
Homeschooling helped. It kept Laura and me busy and focused on something other than the sadness at how much we already miss Grandpa.
I took a lot of random pictures today of some of the stuff we are working on and using.
Picture Number 1 is Laura's math. She is working on adding with regrouping, three digit addition, counting quarters in money, and telling time the quarter till the next hour.
Picture Number 2 is from Laura's Bible story book. Her Father wanted Laura to read some old testament stories. Every day Laura reads one story from the Old Testament. She is learning about Esau and Jacob right now. She also is finishing up Daisies, which she never did, for Mpact Girls. Next she will start Prims. These are the younger grades (kindergarten and 1st-2nd) girls clubs for Mpact Girls (formerly Missionettes). Our church didn't offer the program for a few years, and just recently started it back up last spring. Laura has the opportunity to go back up to two club levels so that she may one day earn her Bronze award. She is currently in Stars (3rd - 5th grade girls), which has her reading a little of the New Testament daily to earn the N.T. reading award. She will read the entire New Testament in three years. Next year I will need an actual Bible curriculum because all the catch up work for Mpact Girls will be complete.
Picture Number 3 is a sample of Laura's cursive handwriting. We are up to E. It's slow going, but she is improving a little here and there.
Picture Number 4 is some of the grammar exercises we are doing. This week she was working on pronouns.
Picture Number 5 is Science. Laura is learning the days of creation and some of the things God did to create Earth and make is special. She just learned about the atmosphere, or the band around the Earth. Next week we begin clouds I believe. She's already read a library book about clouds to supplement.
Pictures 6 and 7 are just pictures of some of the stuff we use and books we are reading. As you can see I have an eclectic selection...and it is growing here and there. I have made good use of the local libraries. The Sign of the Beaver is the current read-aloud book we are going through for Social Studies. We are doing that on top of learning about Columbus. Laura is reading The Swiss Family Robinson and Charlie and the Chocolate Family on her own. I bought the Story Times with Grandma book as a read-aloud, but Laura likes it so much she keeps taking off with it and reading it on her own.
All in all, despite this week being personally hard, it went well academically. Daddy was home a couple days this week in between helping his mother make arrangements, so he got to see all the Laura does in a day. He even got to read to his daughter one day while mommy was taking a late shower.

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