Friday, November 14, 2008

Weekly Wrap-up 11-14-08

This week was an actual 5 day week. Laura did well. She seems to be getting into a routine with her school work. She knows every morning we begin with Bible. We then move on to Math, then Language Arts. We usually do workbook stuff in the morning. We do the reading after lunch, unless it corresponds to something we are studying in the workbooks. We've had this a lot with Science.
Today was not as rushed since I cut back on some things. Ironically, I cut Reading Skills down to two days a week, and Laura was not happy about that. She likes reading skills. However, she does lots of reading.
I cut back on some stuff to make sure I had time to do the read-alouds. Yeah, well, that didn't happen today. However, it wasn't the school work that held us up. I just had to quit a couple hours early to take my 18 month old in for an immunization. (Yeah...done till Kindergarten!!)
BIBLE - Laura is reading about Joseph in her story book. In the New Testament she is up to Matthew 8. We didn't get to any Daisies work this week.
MATH - Laura is still struggling a bit with counting money. I went to the bank today, and while I was there I picked up a couple dollars in change. It's the quarters that mess her up. I think next week we will have a time where we play store. Doing two lessons a day in A Beka Arithmetic.
SCIENCE - Laura is beginning to study the sun and the moon. She learned about the seasons and a little about the ocean this week.
LANGUAGE ARTS - Laura began adjectives yesterday. So far, they don't seem to confuse her. She has picked up on them rather fast.
HISTORY - Finished up Columbus and the first explorers. We began our study on the Mayflower, the Pilgrims, and the first Thanksgiving. Still reading The Sign of the Beaver.
READING - Laura finished up Swiss Family Robinson. She has started Crossroads, the new A Beka Reader. She is also still reading Charlie and the Chocolate Family. We haven't done much of the Read A-louds this week. We finished Little House in the Big Woods, but didn't begin Little House on the Prairie.
WRITING - In Handwriting we are up to cursive G. Laura complained about the capital G, but she isn't doing too bad for a beginner. She just wants it to be perfect. In Writing Skills, Laura is learning about personal narratives. At first I was worried. When I read to her that she would be learning 'Personal Narratives', Laura looked at me with fear. The big words scared her for a moment.

Next week I am still planning. It's time for something interesting. I just need to be creative. Playing store should be a little different. Laura already has a play cash register.

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