Friday, November 14, 2008

Cutting Back

Ok, I spent a LONG time last night trying to figure out what to cut back on and where my priorities should lie. Here's what I've least for now. Science will slow down considerably. I've cut back on the lessons and reading for science. We will still read living books to supplement the paces, but not for every topic. I've cut back on the number of books too, using the Bob Jones Science 4 book instead. I plan to just pick out of that book what supplements the paces workbooks. Next year I will have a different science. Although, I noticed that the last couple paces that Laura is to do really picks up in content.
Math will stay the same for now. When Laura begins Roman Numerals and multiplication we will slow down a lot.
Language Arts will stay the same, slow and steady. Reading Skills will slow down to 2 lessons per week instead of one a day. We are doing a LOT of reading still, and the skills pages help with comprehension. However, I don't think Laura is having big issues in this area.
Writing skills will continue one a day, but only 4 days per week. I am giving her Wednesdays off to focus on our spelling. I want Laura to do some writing with her spelling words on that day.
As for reading, I am cutting back on books a little. Social Studies has added a lot to our reading load. It's hard to know where to lessen our load. I think we will just keep time limits on ourselves. I plan to limit the amount of books we are reading at one time. Laura loves to read, so she may actually fight me on this. For read-aloud time when we are snuggled together making memories, I think I will switch between the Social Studies read alouds and the Little House Books. It just takes too much time to do both.
Laura is welcome to read as many books as she wants during her own time. However, for school I am only going to have her read her A Beka readers and one other book for independent reading. That isn't including her reading for other subjects. Any other books she reads I will include on her "Has Read" list but not on the list of what we are reading for school.
We'll try this and see if our time is less rushed and more devoted to understanding.

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