Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scheduling and Re-scheduling

I am really focusing on our schedule and setting some priorities. I want to cover everything, and that just isn't possible. Every morning we start with Bible, then Math. We do mostly workbook stuff in the morning, saving the reading for the afternoon. It just feels like we are spending a lot of time getting through stuff.
I think I am going to slow down a little on certain subjects. For instance, I have six science paces left. I have only completed one, but it literally took like one week to do. Laura finished one today. Now, she thinks they are kind of boring. I will definitely use something else next year. But, for this year, I am going to slow down, supplement with living books and the used Science 4 book by Bob Jones. I think one every three weeks or one a month will be just fine. If that means we only do science every other day, or I alternate Pace work with book reading, I think Laura will still learn a lot.
The same goes for Reading. I want Laura to be a great reader and to love reading. But we are reading so much for every subject that some days we just aren't getting to everything. Laura isn't much help because she loves reading and wants to check out and read all these books that she just has no time to get through. She wanted Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Since then, she has checked out at least three other books. One I returned to the library unread and the other two are here, not being read. Throw in the reading for History, Science, Bible, and the A Beka readers and, well, it's exhausting. I limit most of our reading to a chapter or a few pages a day, but it is still very time consuming. Today was the second day in a row that I never got to the read-aloud time. Read aloud time is high on my priority list.
I haven't genuinely planned out a whole year. So, that is my project for tonight (on top of helping my step-daughter study for three tests). I hope to have a schedule to blog about in the next day or two.
I also haven't planned much for field trips. I want to take them, but I haven't planned anything concrete. Right now, with Winter coming, there is no such thing as concrete plans. However, I want to look into things. I think I will set aside so many days for field trips, even if they aren't planned yet. That way, when opportunities arise, we don't have to worry that we will fall behind somehow.
Earlier this week I met a lady in the neighboring county that is in a homeschool support group. She was encouraging me to join. I think I will try it. It sounds like fun, and I think I might be able to learn a lot from other ladies' experiences. The lady I met told me she uses Lifepac. Her friend uses A Beka. The first meeting isn't until December.

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Depriving our Students of the Classics

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