Friday, November 21, 2008

Ben Stein and Expelled

I just watched this fascinating movie. I am commenting on it on my homeschool blog because I feel it brings up some valid points.
I have a lot of personal opinions about this movie, but I want to talk about the ones that pertain to homeschooling. One of the wonderful things about homeschooling my daughter is that I have the ability to teach her about more than one view of the world. I want her to have a Christian worldview, so I will teach her that. Will I present other theories...absolutely. But I won't teach evolution as fact. I will teach what evolutionists believe, but it is a theory with LOTS of flaws.
The movie made a valid point that many Scientists, experts in their fields, have undergone enormous pressure and even lost their jobs due to even mentioning Intelligent Design. I know that one of my daughters' former Science teachers couldn't talk about it much. When a debate came up in class between the two diverse theories of creation, the teacher let it be student led. He later told my daughter on personal time that he felt the two theories could coincide. I don't feel that way. I think that is an easy way to make evolution acceptable in the Christian community.

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