Friday, June 8, 2012

Back to Walking

I went to the doctor today.  After blood work, I'm waiting till next week for results. I was put on a special diet.  It's a very low carb diet.  However, I know that something must change.  I am exhausted all the time.  I gain weight, but don't lose more than a few pounds despite walking, dieting, or fasting.
I put it off for a long, long time.  I don't like doctor visits.  I avoid it usually until I'm very sick, like after months of gall bladder attacks before I ended up in the ER.

This time I finally made the dreaded appointment because nothing I've been doing had helped much.  A couple months ago my sister was diagnosed with Celiac disease.  Both of my sisters and my mother have hypothyroidism.  My oldest daughter has type 1 diabetes.  The sister with Celiac and thyroid issues also has had alopecia since she was 11.  She's in her thirties now.

I'm actually, at this point, more afraid the labs won't show anything.  I've had this issue for years, and ignoring it has not helped.  My labs were run a few years ago, and they were normal.  That's supposed to be good news, but not when it leaves more questions.  I figured the constant exhaustion stemmed from stress, the malfunctioning gall bladder, or having my now five year old.

Since that child is now 5, and I want to fall asleep on the couch during read aloud time, I have to know what my health is doing.

I haven't been walking like I was a couple months ago.  I slacked off when our lives hit a busy spurt.  The doc told me to get back to it.   I went back to walking immediately.  I know God is with me through all this.  He already knows the answers.  I trust in that.

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