Friday, April 29, 2011

A Review of our Week

This week has been different.  A sick child, flooding (in the local area and some in my basement), and just a general busyness has led me to not take many pictures, and to slow down on our schooling.  This isn't a permanent thing.  Hopefully next week will be back to normal.  I did wish to share some of the pictures from this week that I did take!
Megan using toys to learn about First, Next, and Last
Laura and I use the little dry erase board A LOT!
A few days ago, this was a road.  We took prom pictures on the stumps on the right.  Now, need a boat to cross.
Jasmine and Tasha at my mom's Birthday Party 
My mom (Grandma) and Tasha at my mom's birthday party
Happy Birthday Mom!
Laura studies mold.
Pajama schooling and the letter "G"
Finally... a nice day!  Laura reads outside.
Next week I am hoping that we are all healthy and things can get back to normal.  We are winding up with only four weeks left of schooling before we begin break.  I really don't want anything to hold us back.  We have worked hard this year and we are all looking forward to summer, Tasha's homeschool graduation, and a relaxed schedule!

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