Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Illness and our School Days

Easter was a fun holiday, where we all seemed to feel well.  I had posted that Laura had been feeling poorly off and on last week.  I thought the worst was over.  All she had left was a bit of a cold.  I was surprised in the very early hours of Monday morning when Laura came to me crying and in pain.  Her ear was hurting.  I gave her some pain medicine and waited for morning.  First thing we did was get her to the doctor.  Sure enough... severe ear infection.  She began an antibiotic.  I thought all would be fine in a day or so.


The early hours of Tuesday morning brought a repeat of Monday.  Crying and in pain, Laura came to me.  This time, her other ear, which had been fine at the doctor's just hours before, was infected.  After a phone call to the doc, we just stuck with pain reliever and the anti-biotic. 

After two days of little sleep, we did manage to get one day's worth of schooling done... for Laura.  Megan's schooling is always what is pushed aside when we are rushed or busy or tired.  We are going to do preschool throughout the summer, so I know I shouldn't stress, but I do feel bad that she is the one that we skip.

I am praying for health to come to our home.  Laura has been fighting illness now for over a week. Exhausted, I figured out around noon today that I had skipped time with God this morning.  I had been floating through the morning in a fog, just trying to get some school done. I am hoping that, with a good night's rest, we will pick back up to full speed tomorrow.

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