Friday, March 24, 2017

Eclectic Plans

I have had the idea in my brain for a long time that I need to apply minimalism to my homeschooling.  I thought I was doing so, by using an all-in-one curriculum, but with me going to college, that is too teacher intensive at the moment.  It is also expensive, and I need something much simpler.

So, I am doing things a bit differently for a year.  Next year is my daughter's senior year.  We will be taking an eclectic approach, using a mix of Lifepacs, Ace Paces, Easy Peasy High School, and great literature.  I may also give her an art class, since she is very talented.  With this eclectic configuration, she will be taking World Geography, British Literature, Bible, Accounting, Forensics, and a computer class.

My soon to be ten year old will be in fifth grade next year.  Hence, she is where I have run into the most trouble with school.  She is a very intelligent, easily distracted girl.  She does best with a lot of reading and some computer work.  I am moving her to more eclectic methods also... at least for a year.  I love Heart of Dakota, and plan to come back to it in sixth grade.

For this next year, she is going to focus on foundations.  She will do math, science, spelling/dictation, English, literature and geography.  She will also do Bible and keyboarding.  I plan to also have one hour each day for independent reading.  She loves reading so much, and I don't want to entirely get rid of interest-led learning.   It worked in some ways, and didn't in others.  That is another post, however.

My daughters always struggle in math.  I have learned to not worry about the how my children compare to the public schooled students, and to simply slow down and take our time.  By the time they reach Algebra, they will have caught up.  They will speed through many topics once they are confident in foundational principles.

And so, this is where we are right now in our little homeschool.  We do lots of reading aloud.  The nine year old takes piano.  Overall, I think we are doing well with all three of us in school.

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