Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Every year resolutions are made by millions, and last maybe a week or two.  With the best of intentions, we want to count ourselves as having grown a little wiser from the years previous.  We often know what we ought to do, but can't seem to find the resolve to carry out those good intentions long term.

I am one of the many that makes New Year's resolutions, and don't always stick with them once the emotions have worn off and the will power has been tested. I find myself, this year, facing new challenges and a life that is changing.  I became a grandma.  I am going back to college after 25 years.  I have a daughter getting married this year.  

So, as I began to think long and hard about what I wanted the new year to hold for me, I found that I am tired of complicated.  I can complicate anything!  Despite complicated only adding stress, I still do it!  My mind works overtime all the time!


So. I came up with a list of resolutions.  The list above doesn't have details due to lack of space, but these eight things are goals. I am doing what I can to make life simple for myself.  

Despite the eight things on the list, this really is a less is more philosophy.  It's about taking care of myself so I can do all that God asks me to do.

1. Spend Time with God Every Morning

This is a habit that I know is vital for me to stay focused on what is important.  Every blessing I have is from the Lord.  He is my guidance, my strength, my foundation.  My days beginning with Him change my life.

2. Eat Real Food

It is so easy to grab a bag of chips and frozen pizzas.  Those things have their first place, occasionally. I have been striving to regain health for years, and it is tough at times.  Years of research has shown me that the Standard American Diet really is SAD, and it has taken a large toll on my health.    My goal is to eat lots of real fruits and vegetables and less processed foods.

3. Exercise

I know... I know...  Everyone has "Exercise more" on their New Year's resolution list.   I have to make this goal not about losing weight, because I get discouraged too easy when my weight doesn't change.  With my thyroid issues, weight loss is difficult.  However, I want to feel better and sleep better.  I want to go hiking this year with my husband.  I want to keep inflammation inside my body down.  I actually have specifics for this list.  Walking, yoga, and just moving more.  I don't want to complicate things or set up unrealistic expectations.

4. Declutter Possessions

Stuff...  there is simply too much.  We live in an apartment.  Clutter overwhelms me.  Even my cherished books and pictures are starting to overwhelm me.  I don't want my life buried in stuff.  So, my plans are to continue the downsizing journey I began a couple years ago. Minimalism seems to be growing in popularity as people realize that all their stuff isn't making them happy.  For me, the revelation came when I was reading a Lisa Wingate novel.  The main character was lamenting to her grandmother about all the stress she was enduring after her son was born with problems, and she had to take time off work.  The worry wasn't so much about the baby as about how the loss of income was causing such financial stress as they tried to maintain their lifestyle.  The grandmother just looked at her granddaughter and told her, "Maybe you should want less."

Like a lightbulb lighting up, I suddenly realized that the cause of so much stress in my life is discontentment.  Being content and grateful is a purposeful act.  Maybe I should want less.  

5. Get Outside Daily

As a homeschool mom, I am home...  a lot.  In the winter cold and summer heat, I can hibernate.  However, I don't think God created us to be hermits.  He created this beautiful world to be enjoyed.  For awhile I was walking nearly every day.  I would go out every morning, in almost every kind of weather, and walk a couple miles.  I began to purposely take a picture a day in these walks, looking for the beauty around me.  I stopped when life got busy.  I regret that.  Even if only for a few moments, I need to get outside. I need to remember that it is a big world, and my little apartment isn't the center of it.

6. Cherish Relationships
Life isn't about stuff.  God has blessed me with a beautiful family.  Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.  Losing my grandmother a few years ago brought that stark reality to my heart.  Two of my fldaughters have grown up and moved out.  Another daughter gets married this year.  The daughter that was my first homeschool student has a year and a half of homeschooling left before she graduates and begins her life as an adult.  I want to cherish the moments with my daughters and all my loved ones.  They won't last forever.

7. Read More

I will be reading a lot since I homeschool and am beginning college.  This remains a goal of mine.  The compromise is to enjoy lots of reading without adding to the clutter. 

8. Cut Out Most TV

I am not completely eliminating.  I have a couple shows I enjoy, and I'm not going to get rid of tv completely. However, spending hours in front of the television is not what I want to do any longer.  I want to live my life, not watch other people's fictional lives on a screen.  


So these are my eight resolutions.  Will I succeed?  Happy New Year!

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