Saturday, July 23, 2016

Winnie-the- Pooh - A Review

Megan and I have spent a lot of time reading this summer.  We devoured The Chronicles of Narnia, and have two books going right now.  

Last night we finished A.A. Milne's classic, Winnie-the -Pooh.  I was worried that this would be a little immature for Meggy, especially after C.S. Lewis thrilled us with adventures with Aslan and the Pevensie children.  However, I had also heard that I should wait to read Winnie-the-Pooh until Megan was eight or nine because some of the wit is more advanced.  

We enjoyed the book.  My Pooh imitation was kinda terrible, but the story was simple and innocent and fun.  We both liked the stories.  

It didn't take us long to read the entire book.  We are moving on to more of the Little House series and, possibly, The Green Ember.  

Reading aloud is such a favorite activity in our home. No am a little worried that our read aloud time will suffer when I am enrolled in college full-time.  However, I am determined to not skip read aloud time.  I will skip something else first!

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