Friday, July 29, 2016

Play Practice and Algebra

The last two weeks have been made up of two things: play practice and algebra.  Megan is in a local theater's production of Beauty and the Beast.  She has acted with this company for the previous two years.  It is a lot of work and even more waiting around, and we always think of quitting.  Okay, I think of having her quit.  The endless practices wear me out since I have to be with her the whole time. Somehow, on opening night, Megan comes alive and loves every moment.

The play is this coming weekend, which os right before we begin our school year. When Megan isn't at play practice, she wants to watch endless television.  This is a sure sign that our summer activities are boring.  It is hot, so playing outside isn't much fun.  
Megan in her "town-person" dress.

Mom hasn't been much for entertaining her because I have been going through endless Algebra lessons.  My placement test for college is in a few short days, and I am determined to do as well as I can.  Since my SAT and college classes are a bit old (cough, cough), I need to take the placement test.  I've already accepted that of I need a refresher course, despite years of homeschooling, I'll be positive about it.  Math is my struggle.  After all, I paid for my high school girls to have the program that taught the lessons for me.  Now I am using those programs to remember all that math I learned long ago. The sample tests have me doing well in everywhere except Algebra.  Yep... That was my arch enemy in high school also.  

I find that I am okay with whatever challenges are placed before me.  I have longed to go back to college for a very long time.  I don't expect it to be easy.  I am a little nervous about keeping up with college and homeschooling, without letting my time with the Lord suffer.  I'm expecting it all to require more organization skills than I have ever used .  

All is ready for homeschooling and college to begin except for purchasing some school supplies.  Pencils, paper of all kinds, pens, and a calculator for me so I will quit killing my phone battery.  I have planned out the girls courses for a year!  We will take life and school one day at a time. 

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