Tuesday, April 26, 2016

108 pages later...

My voice needs to recover.

Megan is grounded.  She lost television and art privileges yesterday when her father and I entered a very messy bedroom that still hadn't been cleaned and found stickers stuck to her window and permanent marker on her curtain.  

But, she isn't grounded from books.

Personally, I love this because I look for ways to keep her face out of a screen. If it is stuck in a book, even better!

I made a mad dash to the library and brought home a pile of books, both print and audio.  After dinner, I let Megan decide which was to be the first read aloud for bedtime.  She chose The Report Card by Amdrew Clements.  I knew that would be a good choice because she had adored The School Story a couple months ago. 

What I didn't know was that I would read 108 pages and 15 chapters in one sitting!  We just couldn't put the book down.  Even when my voice was getting tired, the sound of "One more chapter" would come from across the room. 

I had to comply.  I wanted to know what would happen next as much as my nine year old!  It was only when bedtime was past that I knew we had to stop for the night.  My voice was breaking and I was getting tired.  I kept mixing up words as I read the final couple chapters. 

After some fantasy selections, I wanted something different.  This was perfect!  We are having such a great time with Nora and Stephen.

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