Thursday, December 13, 2012

Earthly Wisdom Projects

Last week Jasmine and Laura did their first project for the Wisdom  Bible study we are doing together.  Their assignment was to find examples of earthly wisdom in the news or in current culture and explain why it is an example of earthly wisdom versus Godly Wisdom.

 The project had the girls choosing ten examples each.  I had them choose five instead to save time and to get them more used to project-based lessons. 

Laura did a wonderful job with her examples.  I was proud that she didn't just stick to news stories, but also added in Spongebob as an example of a current popular show.  She also had the forethought to add in The Church, not as Godly wisdom as most would think, but on how many churches are compromising the authority of God with earthly principles that aren't in the Bible.  I thought that was quite advanced thinking for a 12 year old.
Jasmine really got into this project.  She loved that she could be creative and have some control over what topics she could choose for her report.  Since this is her first year homeschooling, I was excited that she jumped in with both feet so quickly.
She spent quite a few hours researching, printing out, and pulling together her information.  She chose topics such as Obamacare, the availability of the morning-after pill to girls her age in public school without parental knowledge or permission, and alcoholism.  She pulled together an awesome presentation.  To me, this is reinforcing the idea that Jasmine learns in a very visual way.  I plan to add a lot more projects and notebooking type of learning to her schedule as we progress.  She is doing well with Ace, but for the things I add extra, I would like to incorporate the ways she learns best.
I am debating which direction to take our family Bible time after Christmas.  Right now we are doing the Wisdom study, and that will continue until we finish.  I also added a Christmas Unit Study by Amanda Bennet.  That will be done next week. 

The girls seem to learn quite a bit from doing school this way, but I just couldn't seem to put it together with the unit study that I had purchased at the beginning of the school year.  Ace gives me the assurance that they are learning and school is being done.  However, I also love the Heart of Wisdom teaching approach. Effectively combining the two has been interesting and fun. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there!
I just found your blog. Your family is beautiful and I've enjoyed reading about what you are doing. I also have downloaded some of the heart of wisdom studies. I was wondering if you are still using Heart of Dakota. I read that you were going to use the Creation to Christ one for your 7th grader. I am considering using this one for my daughter who is in the 6th grade. Just wondered if you liked it. Thanks!!

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