Saturday, June 4, 2011

Out with the Old and In with the New

As bittersweet as it was, it was time to completely put up Laura's 5th grade materials and get her 6th grade stuff ready and put on the shelves.  That meant that Preparing Hearts for His Glory had to be put on a different shelf, saved for Megan to use in a few years.

It was truly bittersweet, reminiscing through all the books that we shared.  But...
I also put Creation to Christ on our shelf where I put all the stuff we are going to use for the next year.  Just looking at the books we will be reading and the adventures that await with the next level of Heart of Dakota is exciting!

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Depriving our Students of the Classics

  In December 27, 2020, an article was published concerning a push to remove the classics from education. Entitled  Even Homer Gets Mobbed ,...