Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Very Busy Day

Today has been a very full, busy day.  I began to seriously attempt to potty train the toddler.  Megan spent most of the day running around with just a shirt and underwear.  She didn't quite get it yet.  We would go to the potty every little bit, but she still peed on the floor.  Oh well, there 's always tomorrow.

We got Light Speed Math, multiplying and dividing.  Laura watched the first part of the DVD.  I don't think she got much out of that part, and I haven't had time to review the rest.  Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

I babysat my nephew for a couple hours this evening.  He has a cold, so he was a bit cranky.  However, Megan was excited to have him here.  She kept drawing pictures and showing them to him.  She didn't even care that he didn't respond.  She just loves her little nephew.  He's closest in age to her, and she has a thing for babies anyway. 

My nephew decided to puke on me just five minutes before mom and dad came to pick him up.  Oh well, I don't think I'll see him tomorrow.

Finally, Tasha's curriculum for the rest of this year came in today.  I spent all evening after my nephew left attempting to plan it out.  Tasha will have six classes.  She has done well so far being homeschooled.  I am a little nervous because Tasha is taking Trigonometry this semester.  I can't help her with that class.  I never took that advanced a math class.  She loves math, however, so I am praying that she enjoys the class and has no major problems.  I have the teacher that set up our homeschool to call on for help if I need it.  She is qualified to teach all the way to calculus.

After a day like today, I am exhausted.  I am ready for bed. 

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