Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween is so controversial for Christians. It's never really been a debate in our family. First, we don't allow the kids to dress and anything evil or satanic. Second, we let the kids dress up, but I think that is something wonderful. Dressing up in costume, using your imagination, is fun for kids. Third, we don't talk about the evil in the holiday. When they are older, like my teenagers, we will. For now, we talk about God.

I know some think that is a cop out. For a couple years after my husband and I rededicated our lives to Christ we thought about bailing on Halloween. The history of the holiday and what it represents is horrible. However, my husband said that when his parents started following Jesus they forbid their kids to go trick or treating. My husband and his brothers ended up sneaking out of the house and going anyway. We didn't want our kids to feel that way. We would rather be able to control the environment of our younger ones and educate our older ones.

This year only Laura and Megan went trick or treating. Laura was Belle and Megan was Little Nemo. It was very cold this year so we only went to a few places. First we went to show their grandmother and great grandmother the costumes.We met up with my sister and her little boy. Megan had to tell her cousin Hi.
We went to just a few houses. It was just too cold and I didn't want sick children.
In the end, the girls had some candy and they had gotten to dress up in costume. They had gotten to share the experience with family. It was a nice night, even if it was brief.

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