Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Not the Swine Flu

Today the illnesses got to be too much. I took my oldest to the doctor. I figured if they figured out what she had they would figure out what I had, since we have the same symptoms. I was right. She has an upper-respiratory infection. I went to my doctor a little later and got the same diagnosis. We're both on an anti-biotic.

Laura did school today, but since she is symptomatic too, she will probably skip tomorrow to go to her doctor's appointment. Even Megan has a cough and a runny nose. Daddy and Tasha are the healthy ones. This isn't a surprise where my husband is concerned. He's superman and only gets sick once a year or so. Even then he doesn't take medicine unless he's miserable. Tasha, however, has stayed healthy through this...so far. I'm praying she stays that way. She's usually the one to share in the germ spreading and infestation.

Homeschooling while sick is a challenge. I learned this last year with gall bladder issues. Laura was laughing at me yesterday while I was giving my best attempt to read aloud. Having a stuffed-up nose gave the reading a very nasal quality that entertained Laura the entire time. Reading Old Testament Bible names or George Muller became quite a challenge for me.

As soon as I'm better, it's back to normal. We may be behind a little, but not much. Dad helped today. He was home so he did the reading aloud today for History and Science. I was going to read George Muller when I got home from all the doctor's appointments, but I just don't have the voice to get to it tonight.

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