Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Scrapbook of our Journey

Ok, I think I may be addicted. For two months we had no internet in our home. I posted a few blogs when I visited a friend. Once I went to the library. But, now that it is back on, I am SO relieved. Getting back on my blog feels like coming home. I love blogging, and I'm not afraid to admit it. LOL. Oh, I lived without it alright. I can live without it. But, I do enjoy it more that I want to admit.
I've learned a couple things, however. I blog for me. I used to scrapbook for years. For the last few years, however, I just haven't had the focus for it. With a toddler, I haven't had the ability to sit and scrap for hours the way I used to. But, blogging can be done in spurts. Right now, for instance, my toddler is sleeping peacefully and the computer is all mine. For those of you out there with large families and one know that getting computer time can be a challenge.
My point is that blogging kind of feels like scrapbooking. It gives me a marker of the adventures we are living. I know that blogging about financial woes or homeschool stresses isn't always of interest to others. But for me, it marks a season in our lives. If we look at our lives as gifts from God, then we know that seasons come and go, but he remains our Rock in good times and times that make us want to cry out in pain and confusion.
My oldest started her senior year this year. Soon our lives will change as she goes off to college and becomes an adult. My youngest is two. I have decisions to make for her, such as will I send her to the local Christian preschool next year and when do I begin teaching her at home. My husband and I are training as pastors. Homeschooling is wonderful and frustrating and I'm so glad I followed God's leading. Best of all, I get to blog about these things.
When I look back on some of the blogs I wrote I get to journey back in time. I get to remember how nervous I was those first few weeks of homeschooling. I get to laugh at the pressure I put on myself and learn. It is total fun to read the blogs of other homeschoolers and see what they do and how they do it and what works for them. A few have inspired me and kept me going through a challenging first year.
So, my internet is back just three days before we begin our new homeschool year and one day after my older girls began a new year at public school. I look forward to this coming year and pray that God blesses our journey through it.

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