Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our New Student

Tasha (Prom last year. She came downstairs in pajamas and wasn't going to let me snap a picture.)
It's official. My sixteen year old daughter is now homeschooled. We get some of her curriculum today. Other curriculum is being ordered. She's excited, and I'm nervous. We met with the local lady that homeschools other students yesterday evening. She walked us through what we need to do for a high school student and seemed encouraged that my daughter had done so many of the required classes already.
My daughter will be taking English 10 in half a year, followed by English 11. She will be taking a physical science course because it's required from the school she is using. However, physics is an option next year. She will study US History this year, plus New Testament Survey. For math, we are waiting right now. She can go into Calculus, but we are waiting for the school transcripts to be sent to see if she needs a Trigonometry course or if it was included in her Geometry.
Now, since it is my homeschool I've added a couple extra things. She will do SAT prep until the SATs in January. She will also read a novel every three or four weeks, depending on the book. My daughter isn't a huge reader, but I'm hoping that using Sonlight selections, which are such high quality, will inspire her. If not, she will at least gain some appreciation for good writing.
Whether this is the right thing or not, I have prayed and sought God this whole time. He's given me a dream of homeschooling one more of my children. The oldest may never be homeschooled as she is a senior. The 6th grader may never be homeschooled unless her mother changes her mind about it. However, God has allowed me to give Tasha a Christian education, even if only for a couple years. What I can't do, I'm sure he will.

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