Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day Frustrations and Fun

The first day of Fourth Grade begins. Daddy helps Laura make a shield of faith.
Laura draws a plant with her Write through History book.

Megan coloring... trying to keep her busy.

Laura ends the day reading The Bears on Hemlock Mountain. Megan started to listen, but ended up walking away.

Wow. What a day! What started with a bee sting has ended with Animal Crackers and Beauty and the Beast five hours after we began. Megan, my two year old, was a constant challenge today. I tried to keep her occupied, but it seemed like she was continually into things she shouldn't be touching. Laura started the day with kind of a negative attitude, but that changed around lunch time. I think she likes parts of the new program.
Summer must have been longer than I thought. It appears my daughter has forgotten how to do math and all cursive. Guess review time may take a bit longer than I thought. She seriously couldn't seem to add this morning. ADDITION! When we stopped school in May she was multiplying and dividing. And when she had to write in cursive today she acted like she'd never done it before even though we spent all last year learning the basics.
However, she seemed to enjoy the rest. She really loved the Draw and Write through History book that goes with her program. She loves to draw, so this is right up her alley. She also enjoyed the first steps in making a shield of faith complete with designing her own coat of arms.
I think Grandpa's Box is going to be amazing. I can't believe how much we are in our bibles during the day. It is awesome! In one day we were in Genesis, Psalms, and Ephesians. That's just day one!
Laura is also getting some poetry in her life. Robert Louis Stevenson's poem The Swing is her first selection that she is studying. She liked it. I hope she likes all the selections as well.
All in all, I'm glad the first day went well. I'm hoping things start to run smoother as we continue. Heart of Dakota is an amazing program and I really want this to work well for Laura.

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