Thursday, June 11, 2009

To Follow Public School Schedule or Not

This past year I kept Laura on the same schedule as her sisters in public school. I'm not entirely sure if Iwant to do that this year. I probably will, but I'm unsure. The public school system here follows a schedule that begins in the second week of August and ends the last week or two of May (depending on how many snow days were used and need made up). Following the public school works out for the most part, but I wish the school used a different schedule. They let out in late May for summer break, and often the weather is still cool. They go back in Early August...the hottest month of the year here. It makes more sense to me to begin school in September and let out in June. However, that may not be as easy simply because of Laura. She doesn't want to do school if her sisters are home. And if they begin in August, she will be bored and need something to do. All of her friends, including the ones that are homeschooled, all follow closely to the public school schedule.
More than likely I will stick closely to the schedule the public school follows for now. I will plan a little extra time in there for sick days and such, however. Last year, with my gall bladder issues, Laura missed some time due to my surgery that we had to make up later. She ended up with a shortened Spring Break. Plus, I think I would like to take more time off for Holidays.
I've visited a few blogs where people school year round. I've got mixed feelings about that. I know it all averages out to the same number of school days. I guess it would be great if all my children were homeschooled. But I only have one homeschooled...well, two with the toddler beginning this year. And it's just too difficult at this time to keep up with the schedules of five children that don't match up.
So, as much as I would love to shake things up and school year round, I just don't see how to do that yet. I think I will do some more praying about it. A part of me really has a desire to do this and give ourselves extended breaks. I mean, homeschooling takes so much less hours a day than public school. Heart of Dakota states that the work for their program can be finished in 4 and a half hours per day. Even with extra time, we should be done by early afternoon. That gives us the whole afternoon to go do whatever fun activities we want. Plus, with Heart of Dakota, I am making plans for Fridays simply because the program is a 4 day per week program.
I still have some time to decide how I want to do things. In fact, I find it freeing that I have all the time in the world. If I begin with the school and decide to take a longer break somewhere, we can just make it up later. However, for stability's sake and for planning, I need to have something concrete.

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