Monday, May 4, 2009

Recovery and Relief

I went through the gall bladder surgery and have come out on the other side with relief that it is over and surprise at how quickly I am feeling better. It's been four days, roughly, and I am sore. But beyond that soreness is an energy level I don't think I've had in two years. I've even lost some weight. I can only pray that my health will get better and better.
In school news, Laura only has 16 days of school left this year. Her sisters have 15, so I may have to find a way to incorporate another day if I want her to be done the same day as her sisters. I can't believe our first year of homeschooling is almost at an end. We covered so much, and I've learned such an incredible amount. I plan to write a big post about it all when we've finished officially the first year. Right now, I just look at the next couple weeks and think, "Wow, we've done almost all of these textbooks. I can't believe we got through all that." It's quite a feeling of accomplishment. I need to set up the appointment to have Laura tested. But, for some reason, I am really not worried. I think she'll be fine.

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