Thursday, May 21, 2009

Public School Limits Rights of a High Schooler

My three older girls are in public school. Most of the time I feel that is the best choice for the two oldest. They are in High School and only have one and two years left before they go off to college. They are in classes that are beyond me in Math and Science, and I don't have the finances at this time to pay for expensive programs or pay for a tutor.
Yet, last week I almost decided to pull them anyway. I was disgusted at the school. My 15 year old had to give a speech. She was told that she could not give a speech about God or church or Jesus because it was too controversial. She choose a different topic and didn't give it another thought. Both of my older girls have dealt with things like this before and they both just do what they can for God. They know their rights are limited, but they also know that they have a mission field where they are.
My daughter chose a non-controversial topic for her speech. She was totally appalled and angry when two girls gave a speech that promoted abortion. Both my daughter and another girl stood up and said that it wasn't right that their rights were limited, but that they had to listen to two girls promote killing unborn children.
I'm sure that many in the world would call my daughter narrow-minded. I don't believe she is. I totally believe that she as well as my other daughters and other Christians are discriminated against in school for their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
We live in a small, rural community. There are numerous churches in this area. I am still surprised that the school feels that this kind of discrimination is alright. With all the churches, aren't there more Christians that teach, that attend the schools, that are just as disgusted with this kind of thing? I guess I expected that our small area would be insulated against the rising tide of apathy and outright rejection of Christian beliefs.
I'd already noticed that rejection in small ways. I've seen Satan deceive Christians into complacency. Church attendance is no longer a priority even for Christians. When I was a girl, my Grandmother took us to church. There was rarely a good reason to miss. Children's sports games and practices were never scheduled on Sundays or Wednesday evenings. Now most churches in our area have cancelled their Wednesday night services for kids and youth because of sports and summer activities that take precedence.
Our church has not cancelled Wednesday nights, but our attendance takes a major hit. And I don't see anything wrong with children being in sports. My kids play sports. However, I've noticed there is no balance. It used to be busy in the summer due to softball and baseball. Now, however, I've noticed that schools and clubs are scheduling activities on Wednesday nights all year long. So many kids can't come to youth or children's church because of Football games or Basketball games or Girl Scouts.
I can only pray. I pray for guidance about how to raise my children in a world where Jesus in not only not a priority, but an ignored obligation. I pray for a country that is being deceived into thinking that Christian values are disposable or even offensive. I pray for parents that believe over-scheduling kids will fill them with what only God can give.

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